CM Scientific

Polymicro / Molex Speciality Optical Fibre

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CM Scientific is a European distributor for Polymicro Technologies LLC, a subsidiary of Molex Corporation. Polymicro are based in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Molex Polymicro multimode step-index fused silica specialty fibers are optimized for a wide spectrum of wavelengths. These include solarization-resistant deep-UV fibers, broad spectrum (UV-NIR) solutions and fibers that operate at infrared (IR) wavelengths. Core, cladding (glass or polymer), numeric aperture and jacket types (including gold buffer) are available in standard and custom options. Each option can be tailored to withstand high-temperature, chemical and radiation environments.

Typically, specialty fiber refers to non-telecommunication optical fiber. It is usually designed for the transfer of power rather than data. Polymicro / Molex specifically, manufacture step-index multimode fused silica optical fiber.

For full details of the Polymicro / Molex' product range and capabilities please visit their web site.

Polymicro Optical Fibre Spools

Optical Fibre Datasheets

Polymicro SILICA/SILICA Optical Fiber FI

Polymicro SILICA/SILICA Optical Fiber FV

FBP: Silica/Silica Optical Fiber, Broadband Optical Fiber

Polymicro SILICA/ SILICA Optical Fiber FDP

Polymicro SILICA/SILICA Optical Fiber FBPI

JTFIH: Silica/SilicaDual Clad Optical Fiber, Ultra-Low -OH


DUV: Silica/Silica Optical Fiber, Solarization Resistance

FSU, FLU: Silica/Teflon Clad Optical Fiber, High -OH or Low -OH Core

Polymicro Technologies MediSpec Hollow Silica Waveguide With Aiming Beam Technology

200/230: 200/230 PolyClad Fiber

Optical Fiber Bundle Assemblies

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